Managing Active Directory via Active Roles integration with one identity manager

We have a requirement to manage the active directory accounts and groups from one identity manager. But there should not be a direct one identity manager to ad integration rather there should be one identity manager --> active roles --> active directory.
One identity manager provides the OOTB connector for active roles but would like to know what all capabilities can be leveraged from the connector to manage the active directory.

Also, how the account attributes and group can be managed?

Is there any detailed integration document available that could tell us the mappings between the one identity manager and active roles for ad management?

Is the Active roles connector is similar to AD connector where we can directly ma the attributes and groups?

Would like to understand every detail of this integration.

Thanks in advance

  • ARS connector does the same as AD connector does, and plus the followings. 1. ARS account and group attributes are available (i.e. edsva) in OneIM so can be managed; 2. ARS policy (deprovision / provision) can be executed via OneIM ad-hoc projection process. You may find the documents at for the details. HTH

  • Thanks for your response.

    I am very new to Active Roles. So wanted to understand that what all will be required to integrate Active Roles connector for AD account management?

    If you could help me with a reference link, would be of great help.


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