Move managed Account task not updating new personnel number in AD

Hello Experts,

Move Managed account task is not updating new personnel number in ADS record Employeenumber field.

I have included below comments in my code but still Employeenumber  is not updating in ADS.

Is re-apply template only the workaround for such kind of issues?

If Not CBool(Variables("FULLSYNC")) Then
Select Case ($FK(UID_TSBBehavior).ITDataUsage:Int$)
Case 0:'Unmanaged (do not get data from employee)
Case Else:'Managed (fill all possible fields about employee)
Value = $FK(UID_Person).PersonnelNumber$
End Select
End if

Parents Reply
  • So basically when an employee converts from contractor to permanent we will have a new person record created as we manage only permanent  employees via SAP HR so in order to move managed account from contractor to permanent we execute move managed account task but this task assigning only accounts to permanent  employee but no updating employee ID & number, new object key manager so I modified the template as below for employee number in ADS but still template is not fired when their is change in uid_person in ADS record.

    If Not CBool(Variables("FULLSYNC")) Then
    Select Case ($FK(UID_TSBBehavior).ITDataUsage:Int$)
    Case 0:'Unmanaged (do not get data from employee)
    Case Else:'Managed (fill all possible fields about employee)
    Value = $FK(UID_Person).PersonnelNumber$
    End Select
    End if
