v8.0.1 - Sync Editor virtual properties


We have a sync mapping setup using the Person object on the One Identity Manager side

Is it possible to use virtual properties to fetch data from another table in this mapping? for instance, I want to fetch the samaccountname from the ADSAccount Table, but our mapping is against on the Person table only. I was hoping there might be a way to use a virtual property and fetch this (similar to a Session.Source.GetsingleValue).

We don't have a FK on the Person table to ADSAccount, and are trying to avoid making schema extensions and instead do this using virtual properties. 



Parents Reply
  • As described in the mentioned thread. You need to pin the ADSAccount objects in your schema, as the connector is only able to access objects that are part of your sync project schema. So when you shrink the schema, you need to exclude the ADSAccount table from the shrink, when it isn't a part of your sync project already, which seems to be the case.
