AD account manager

Hi everyone,

I want to write a template script for column ObjectKeyManager (table ADSAccount) to define an account manager.

Is there a possible way to find that value using $-notation for example from derived value of Person.PersonHead

something like this $FK(UID_Person).FK(UID_PersonHead)....$

or i should use other methods ?

Any suggestions appreciated


Parents Reply
  • I found 2 system scripts that fit my needs well: VI_GetValueOfObject, VID_GetValueOfDialogObject.

    using like:

    Dim UID_PersonManager As String = $FK(UID_Person).FK(UID_PersonHead).UID_Person$
    Value = VID_GetValueOfDialogObject("ADSAccount","UID_Person",UID_PersonManager,"XObjectKey")

    The scripts from the description are exactly the same.

    Do I need to give preference to any of these system scripts or is it better to use the option you already mentioned ?
