date placeholder & readonly

Hello everyone,

Since the 8.1, date are now writable for an entitlement request by the user directly while before it was mandatory to use the calendar.

We have done the migration from 8.0.1 to 8.1.4 and the customer wants the previous behavior.

He request to remove the placeholder and define again the box as readonly to force user to use the calendar.

What is the best way to achieve this, following OIM best practice? 

Thank you.



  • Hi Steve,

    There is no way to get back that Checkbox. Our customers wanted to get rid of that, and I can understand that, because it is not a common pattern.

    You could of course achive the behavior by changing VI_Edit_Date, but I would not recommend this.



  • Hi Geraldine,

    Thanks for your assistance.

    We are not trying to get back the checkbox in our side, it was like you said, a system which are not common and get some confusion for the user.

    - The first big need and question is to remove the placeholder because user never put a time while the placeholder suggest to input it. By the way, the placeholder is display in english like "d for day" while we have the portal full in french. I have tried to find everywhere in the web project where the placeholder is defined but I didn't find it.

    - The second and is an optional part was to locked the input and force user to use the calendar. Some website have this feature and as you said, I think we can just enhance the vi_edit_date to achieve that.