SuccessFactor HR with SCIM/Starling Connect - Failed to configure initial synchronization

Hello Experts,

I'm in trouble to configure the my initial synchronization with SuccessFactor HR, following this standard: SCIM Connector (with SuccessFactor template) => Starling Connect => Success Factor target, as described here:

I'm following these guidelines: , but it seems too resumed to clarify several steps.

During the process I had some doubts that may be the answer of my problem. I would like to state my steps and finally the end error.

1. I have a demo subscrition in Starling Connect (

2. In Starling Connect, I successfully connected to SuccessFactor HR, I chose correct version in my case (v2.0) and I'm able to see the schema and attributes when I click to see the details of SuccessFactors HR connector. Until here, everthing looks fine.

3. In my one Identity OnPrem instance, I started a new Synch. project, with a SCIM Connector.

4. In the SCIM initial configuration, we have to provide URL and auth type. Questions start here. What exactly the URL to be used? Starling connector URL or the URL generated for my SuccessFactor HR? I presume it is the generated URL for the SuccessFactor HR connector ( ). I have split this URL between "Server" and "URI" and specified port 443. Second question here, what's the difference between the SCIM URL and Legacy SCIM URL, which one to use? I used SCIM URL.

5. In Authentication, I have selected OAuth, in the Token Endpoint URL I presume it is the one generated when I did my subscription, which apears in the initial Starling Connect screen "SCIM Client Credentials". Next step is to insert SCIM client ID and secret. I have done it and the connection was successfully established.

6. Next step is the "Endpoint configuration" (Schema, Resources, Supported service option), there is nothing in the procedure about it. Considering the instruction in the screen, I can empty the fields, and I did it, since I have no idea what to configure here.

7. Use local cache selected

8. Target product: One Identity Starling Connect - since I will reach SuccessFactor HR through Starling Connect

9. Display name set.

10. It finishes the configuration, with "save connection locally" selected.

11. After finishing, it make the One Identity Manager database conection. Done.

12. Then it loads the schema from target, successfully done.

13. Next step we can chose a project template. Since I previously installed template for SuccessFactors HR, it is there to be selected. I select "One Identity Starling Connect SuccessFactor HR".

14. Then I select "Read-only access to target system" as we just want to read information.

15. Then I select a Synchronization Server, which I previously configured to be the "SCIM Connector" jobserver.

16. Next step is actually the finalization, where I should simply "Finish" and see my project created. However, when I click on finish, I get this error:

The template (One Identity Starling Connect SuccessFactors HR) could not be applied successfully!
Error creating the workflows!
Error creating synchronization configuration (Initial Synchronization)!
Map CostCentersMapping does not exist

Crash report

2021-04-28 10:29:03 ObjectLog Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 67ms.
2021-04-28 10:29:03 ObjectLog Collection.Count: 4
2021-04-28 10:29:03 ObjectLog Getting collection done in 68ms.
2021-04-28 10:29:03 Scripting Compiler run 9
2021-04-28 10:29:03 LateBindTypeMgr Parsing (GeneratedShellTemplate, Version=1.0.7788.18871, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)...
2021-04-28 10:29:03 Scripting Compiler run 10
2021-04-28 10:29:04 LateBindTypeMgr Parsing (GeneratedShellTemplate, Version=1.0.7788.18871, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)...
2021-04-28 10:29:04 Scripting Compiler run 11
2021-04-28 10:29:04 LateBindTypeMgr Parsing (GeneratedShellTemplate, Version=1.0.7788.18872, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)...
2021-04-28 10:29:04 Scripting Compiler run 12
2021-04-28 10:29:04 LateBindTypeMgr Parsing (GeneratedShellTemplate, Version=1.0.7788.18872, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)...
2021-04-28 10:29:05 SqlLog (7 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:29:07 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (CostCenters) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:29:07 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Departments) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:29:07 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Employees) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:29:07 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Locations) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:29:35 SqlLog (8 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:29:45 ObjectLog DialogUserConfiguration: Creating new entity, creation type DelayedLogic
2021-04-28 10:29:45 ObjectLog Creating new entity done in 0ms.
2021-04-28 10:29:45 ObjectLog Old state: None, New state: PermissionBased
2021-04-28 10:30:05 SqlLog (8 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:30:10 SqlLog (1 ms) - select count(*) from QBMServer where ((((((not isnull(QueueName, N'') = N'') and (UID_QBMServer in
select UID_QBMServer from QBMServerHasServerTag
where UID_QBMServerTag like N'___-Connector-SCIM'
2021-04-28 10:30:10 ObjectLog Run statement and fetch data done in 2ms.
2021-04-28 10:30:10 ObjectLog Statement was already checked once. Do not include it into the session score.
2021-04-28 10:30:10 ObjectLog QBMServer: Getting collection, load type: ForeignDisplaysForAllColumns
2021-04-28 10:30:10 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_QBMServer, Ident_Server, xmarkedfordeletion from QBMServer where (((((not isnull(QueueName, N'') = N'') and (UID_QBMServer in
select UID_QBMServer from QBMServerHasServerTag
where UID_QBMServerTag like N'___-Connector-SCIM'
)))))) order by Ident_Server
2021-04-28 10:30:10 ObjectLog Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 1ms.
2021-04-28 10:30:10 ObjectLog Collection.Count: 2
2021-04-28 10:30:10 ObjectLog Getting collection done in 2ms.
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog QBMServer: Loading single entity, load type Interactive
2021-04-28 10:30:30 SqlLog (36 ms) - select CountUsedHomes, DestCopyMethods, Encoding, FQDN, Ident_Server, IPV4, IPV6, IsAutoShareHome, IsCluster, IsInSoftwareUpdate, IsJobServiceDisabled, IsNoAutoupdate, IsNoDatabaseConnect, IsQBMServiceInstalled, LastJobFetchTime, LastTimeoutCheck, MaxNumberHomes, MaxSpaceHomes, ObjectKeyTargetSystem, PhysicalServerName, PortNumber, QueueName, RunningOS, SessionID, SourceCopyMethods, SRVAccount, SRVAccountDomain, SRVAccountPwd, UID_ClusterServer, UID_DialogCulture, UID_ParentQBMServer, UID_QBMConnectionInfo, UID_QBMServer, UID_QBMServerNearestDC, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from QBMServer where (QBMServer.UID_QBMServer = '8ca4f0d3-5a4c-480f-a217-d6ea86af70c5')
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Entity: Run statement and fetch data done in 38ms.
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog QBMServer: Initializing Customizer
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SRVAccountPWD MinLen depends on SRVAccount, SRVAccountDomain
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SRVAccountPWD MinLen = 1
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on UID_ClusterServer CanEdit depends on IsCluster
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: UID_ClusterServer CanEdit = False
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog QBMServer: Initializing Customizer
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicLoaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Customizer OnLoaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicLoaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Customizer OnLoaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SRVAccountPWD MinLen depends on SRVAccount, SRVAccountDomain
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SRVAccountPWD MinLen = 1
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on UID_ClusterServer CanEdit depends on IsCluster
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: UID_ClusterServer CanEdit = False
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Loading single entity done in 41ms.
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, PermissionBased
2021-04-28 10:30:35 SqlLog (9 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:31:05 SqlLog (20 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:31:22 ObjectLog Session: Begin Transaction
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (1 ms) - BEGIN TRANSACTION
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Settings schema (<null>).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Settings schema (<null>).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Getting schema from connector (\idmdevdb1).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Getting item...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Got existing item:\idmdevdb1
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Getting schema...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Connector does not implement OnTestConnection.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Release item:\idmdevdb1
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Got schema.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Getting schema from connector (SuccessFactors HR).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Getting item...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Got existing item: SuccessFactors HR
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Getting schema...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Connector does not implement OnTestConnection.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Release item: SuccessFactors HR
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Got schema.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (CostCenters) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Departments) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Employees) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Locations) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where ChangeContext > ' '
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Disconnecting target system.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 ObjectLog Session: Rollback Transaction
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (1 ms) - ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (260 ms) - Physical Transaction
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (260 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2021-04-28 10:31:22 VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr The template (One Identity Starling Connect SuccessFactors HR) could not be applied successfully!

17. When I click "OK" for the error, it naturally return to the same finalization windows, and If I click "Finish" one more time, I get a different error, and start getting always this error at each attempt:

Error connecting system (SCIM)!
Unknown variable (dprserver)!

Crash report

2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicLoaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Customizer OnLoaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on SRVAccountPWD MinLen depends on SRVAccount, SRVAccountDomain
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: SRVAccountPWD MinLen = 1
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Action on UID_ClusterServer CanEdit depends on IsCluster
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Result: UID_ClusterServer CanEdit = False
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Loading single entity done in 41ms.
2021-04-28 10:30:30 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, PermissionBased
2021-04-28 10:30:35 SqlLog (9 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:31:05 SqlLog (20 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:31:22 ObjectLog Session: Begin Transaction
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (1 ms) - BEGIN TRANSACTION
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Settings schema (<null>).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Settings schema (<null>).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Getting schema from connector (\idmdevdb1).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Getting item...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Got existing item:\idmdevdb1
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Getting schema...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Connector does not implement OnTestConnection.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Release item:\idmdevdb1
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Got schema.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Getting schema from connector (SuccessFactors HR).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Getting item...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Got existing item: SuccessFactors HR
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Getting schema...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Connector does not implement OnTestConnection.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GenericPool Release item: SuccessFactors HR
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Got schema.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (CostCenters) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Departments) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Employees) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Locations) because of some parameters were unable to find.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where ChangeContext > ' '
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnector Disconnecting target system.
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:31:22 ObjectLog Session: Rollback Transaction
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (1 ms) - ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (260 ms) - Physical Transaction
2021-04-28 10:31:22 SqlLog (260 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2021-04-28 10:31:22 VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr The template (One Identity Starling Connect SuccessFactors HR) could not be applied successfully!
2021-04-28 10:31:35 SqlLog (7 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:32:05 SqlLog (9 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:32:35 SqlLog (8 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:33:05 SqlLog (8 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
when exists (select top 1 1
from QBM_VDBQueueContent
) then 1
else 0
end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
from DialogDatabase with (nolock)
where IsMainDatabase = 1
2021-04-28 10:33:25 ObjectLog Session: Begin Transaction
2021-04-28 10:33:25 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - Pin DbSession to physical connection
2021-04-28 10:33:25 SqlLog (1 ms) - BEGIN TRANSACTION
2021-04-28 10:33:25 SystemConnector Settings schema (<null>).
2021-04-28 10:33:25 SystemConnector Settings schema (<null>).
2021-04-28 10:33:25 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection One Identity Manager (\idmdevdb1)...
2021-04-28 10:33:25 SystemConnector Disconnecting target system.
2021-04-28 10:33:25 ObjectLog DialogScript: Getting collection, load type: Default
2021-04-28 10:33:25 SqlLog (1 ms) - select ScriptName, Description, UID_DialogScript, xmarkedfordeletion from DialogScript order by ScriptName
2021-04-28 10:33:25 ObjectLog Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 38ms.
2021-04-28 10:33:25 ObjectLog Collection.Count: 256
2021-04-28 10:33:25 ObjectLog Getting collection done in 39ms.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnector Connector does not implement OnTestConnection.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Closing session
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog Closing database session.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (One Identity Manager (\idmdevdb1)).
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Connecting to One Identity Manager connector...
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnector Connecting target system...
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog Opening database session in mode ReadWrite
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Opening session
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog (1 ms) - select GetUTCDate()
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog (1 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
and pha.IsInActive = 0
where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'ProjectorAuthenticator'
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - select Username, UID_DialogUser, IsReadOnly, IsPwdExternalManaged, IsAdmin from DialogUser with (nolock) where username = N'sa'
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - select max( AccessLevel ) from
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'), 0) * 9 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('dbcreator'), 0) * 8 as AccessLevel
union all
select isnull(IS_MEMBER('db_owner'), 0) * 7 as AccessLevel
union all
select isNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMConfigRoleDB'), 0) * 5 as AccessLevel
union all
select IsNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMUserRoleDB'), 0) * 3 as AccessLevel
) as AccessLevels
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog User Service Account (Dialog user: sa, X fields: Synchronization) authenticated.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Initializing database session.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Session initialized.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Session created
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Opening session done in 6ms.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Session variable: Setting NoCollisionTest to True.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Connected: Yes
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Getting schema from connector (\idmdevdb1).
2021-04-28 10:33:27 GenericPool Getting item...
2021-04-28 10:33:27 GenericPool Got existing item:\idmdevdb1
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnector Getting schema...
2021-04-28 10:33:27 GenericPool Release item:\idmdevdb1
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Got schema.
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Disconnecting connection Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)...
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Connection disconnected successfully (Cross-Domain Identity Management (SuccessFactors HR)).
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SystemConnection Connecting to SuccessFactors HR...
2021-04-28 10:33:27 ObjectLog Session: Rollback Transaction
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog (1855 ms) - Physical Transaction
2021-04-28 10:33:27 SqlLog (1855 ms) - Pinned physical connection
2021-04-28 10:33:27 VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr Error connecting system (SCIM)!

18. Then I got blocked and the only option is to cancel the wizard and my Sync. project is not created...

Any help??

Best Regards,

Leonilson Lopes

  • It is complaining about the CostCenter mapping, if you check the Schema Configuration for Success Factors HR within Starling Connect what does it show for CostCenter. Did you create any custom attributes in the Schema configuration?

  • Hello Troy,

    Actually, if you look the log carefully, it seems it didn't find any schema, but CostCenter is just the first one:

    2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (CostCenters) because of some parameters were unable to find.
    2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Departments) because of some parameters were unable to find.
    2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Employees) because of some parameters were unable to find.
    2021-04-28 10:31:22 GeneratedShellTemplate It was unable to create an instance of (SchemaType) (Locations) because of some parameters were unable to find.

    This is the first configuration, I have no custom attributes, nothing, just the default, I want to connect and see how things go.

    Checking within Starling Connect, all schemas appear there with the attributes. It looks completely fine, all these schemas mentioned in the log are present.

    During the whole configuration process, there is no moment where I could select or check schemas, it was basically "next, next, finish". I presume I would be able to better configure the schema once the connector is done, but I can't conclude the process.

  • Can you confirm that the required attributes are enabled on the Success Factors HR side for each of these SchemaTypes? I am sure they are but it wouldn't hurt to check. Another thing I would check is the Success Factors HR logs within Starling Connect for that specific connector. Just click on logs in the top left hand corner within Starling Connect, then select the Success Factors HR connector from the list. I would check this after attempting to add the sync project, it might help in determining what is causing the issue.

  • Can you confirm that the required attributes are enabled on the Success Factors HR side for each of these SchemaTypes? I am sure they are but it wouldn't hurt to check. Another thing I would check is the Success Factors HR logs within Starling Connect for that specific connector. Just click on logs in the top left hand corner within Starling Connect, then select the Success Factors HR connector from the list. I would check this after attempting to add the sync project, it might help in determining what is causing the issue.

  • Hello Troy,

    Thank you for your time! By default, the schema types that appears in Starling Connect has all attributes activated, required and non-required, actually, I can't modify what attributes to select, it is simply not activated to do so. What I was able to do is to set an option "minimum attributes", I tried this but with same result.

    I checked the log, but this log is between Starling Connect and Success Factors, and everything is fine between them, and the log confirms that everything is fine.

    The problem is on my OnPrem SCIM connector in OneIdentity, it seems there is some kind of error/mismatch in the provided template...

    It seems you've done it before, and I'm not sure if the steps I followed are totally correct, as the documentation is very superficial. Could you please check in my initial post the questions in red? I'm still wondering if I'm using the correct parameters.

    Best Regards,

    Leonilson Lopes

  • Based on what you have inputted above it sounds like you have the correct information entered. Here is an example of what it should look like, it is the legacy scim url split. 

  • The endpoint configuration for me was like this:

    Then I complete the wizard and it loads the schema and I click finish and then it completes without any errors

  • Hello Troy,

    Thanks a lot!!!  I did it.

    After carefully looking at you print screen I noticed some difference in the use of the "/" in the end of the URL or in the beginning of the URI. I had omitted the "/" in the beginning of the URI, I probably thought that the interface could handle this kind of thing... but it doesn't....

    So, after correcting this I was able to correctly fetch the endpoints, which in my first attempt I had simply let it blank as it didn't work (because of the broken url).

    At the end, no more error, the connector was created with the mappings!

    Thank you so much!