Silent installation

HI, I found instruction how to install One Identity Manager from console. What I'm missing is the complete list of modules and their description, the same according to the packages. I've looking on the Knowledge Base but without success.

  • There is one more question - how I can install One Identity Manager Service from command line. I tried to use ServiceInstaller.msi but it required vendor defined parameters.

    We would like to make it fully unattended.
    I couldn't find any reference for Package list - what is it and where I can find documentation for it

  • There is one more question - how I can install One Identity Manager Service from command line. I tried to use ServiceInstaller.msi but it required vendor defined parameters.

    We would like to make it fully unattended.
    I couldn't find any reference for Package list - what is it and where I can find documentation for it

  • In regards to the Job Service installation, you can use the InstalleManager.Cli.exe if you want to install the service locally. This documentation link has a sample for it. And, you would use the deployment target parameter -d for it.

    Keep in mind, by using the installer, you need to provide or configure the JobService.cfg after the installation, and depending on your configuration parameter settings, you might need to add the JobServer entry into the OneIM database.

  • I have tried to install Job Server with below command

    P:\OneIdentity\Setup\InstallManager.Cli.exe -m install -r P:\OneIdentity -mod ACN ADS APC ARS ATT CAP CPL DPR DSI HDS LDP PAG POL QAM QBM QER RMB RMS RPS TSB -d Server Server\JobServer

    Next I have added this server to the OneIM database using Designer, but this job server is not visible in JobQueue. Service is running

    I have found on manually installed JobServer JobService.cfg file - if I will upload this config file to the newly deployed JobServer and restart service and add entry to the database it will be visible in the Designer? (How I can generate connectstring for config file?)

    Does anyone tried fully unattended installation of Job server, including entry in the database?

    What are exact steps to achieve it?