Enabling AD Authentication Method for Operations Support Portal in 1IM 8.1.2

Hi All , 

We are currently using Employee Based Authentication method for Ops portal and it works fine . But we want to use  Active Directory User Account(manual ) authentication method instead  and we are getting below errors while logging in :

1) Error 1019002

2) Login Permission Error

We have enabled Active Directory Authentication method for OperationsSupportWebPortal from designer , but the error still exists . 

Can anyone suggest if we are missing any step for enabling AD Authentication or only Employee Based Authentication works with Ops support portal ?

Thanks in advance .


  • Can you confirm that you are using "Active Directory user account (manual input/role based) for the auth method? If it doesn't have the role based piece it will fail unless the employee you are using has a system user assigned to them. The operations support web portal uses the application role operations support, if users do not have that role they will not be able to access the site.

  • Can you confirm that you are using "Active Directory user account (manual input/role based) for the auth method? If it doesn't have the role based piece it will fail unless the employee you are using has a system user assigned to them. The operations support web portal uses the application role operations support, if users do not have that role they will not be able to access the site.

  • Role based means that you are using application roles assigned to the employee, if role based is not used then the system requires you to have a system user assigned to the employee. Yes, it is Active Directory auth but ultimately the authentication comes back to the employee in the end.

  • Hello Troy , 

    we were trying to use Active Directory user account (manual) (DB Audit ) authentication method and was getting mentioned exception . We are not able to enable 'Active Directory user account (manual input/role based)' authentication for Product OperationsSupportWebPortal , getting below mentioned error :

    Error during Execution of 'OnSaving' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.ModuleDependentLogic' 

    You are not allowed to create default objects or assignments 

    We are getting similar error for other AD authentication methods (except manual dbgAudit ) Can you please suggest on this  ?

    Also please note that we have assigned System user to the account using which we are trying to login .

  • I am unable to enable any of the Active Directory authentication methods, I am not sure how you managed to get one assigned.

  • I had just enabled  Active Directory user account (manual) (DB Audit ) authentication method  using designer and added this authentication method for OperationSupportPortal program . It didn't throw any error while assigning the auth method , but it eventually doesn't allow to login . 

    Are you getting similar error on enabling AD Authentication methods ?

  • I do not have the one that you have listed, I am guessing that it is a custom module. I get the same error message for any Active Directory authentication module I choose for the Operations Support Portal. That tells me that AD auth will not work with this site.