Identity Manager Templates not triggering automatically

Hi Gurus,

Have an issue with Identity Manager 8.1
The templates are not triggering automatically on target when a person record get updated,but data is updating when I do a reapply the template.
Any reason for this behaviour? When I apply reapply templates it is working but not triggering automatically.

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Are your target system accounts 'linked' to an identity? (e.g. UID_Person@ADSAccount)

    Do your target system accounts have an account definition? (e.g. UID_TSBAccountDef@ADSAccount)

    Do your target system accounts have a manage level? (e.g. UID_TSBBehavior@ADSAccount)

    Usually, all 3 of the above must be in place for updates on Person to be passed to target system accounts.  And typically the manage level must be set to 'Full managed'.

    HTH, Barry.

  • Many thanks for your answer.
    Yes account is full managed and all three conditions referred are satisfied. When we do reapply template manually either from manager or object browser it is working fine, the target systems are updated properly but when person record is updated via hr sync liked adsaccount attributes are not updated.


  • Many thanks for your answer.
    Yes account is full managed and all three conditions referred are satisfied. When we do reapply template manually either from manager or object browser it is working fine, the target systems are updated properly but when person record is updated via hr sync liked adsaccount attributes are not updated.


  • Hi Rejeesh,

    So you said something VERY important there: "updated via hr sync".

    Normally, when a sync is configured/run, the FULLSYNC attribute is set to TRUE.  This typically means that most templates will NOT fire.

    So please check the "Data import" checkbox on your workflow steps based on the below:

    Data import flag on Sync Project – Workflow step

    Checking “data import” unsets FULLSYNC (FULLSYNC=false, most templates DO fire)

    Un-checking “data import” sets FULLSYNC (FULLSYNC=true, most templates do NOT fire)

    HTH, Barry.