LDAP query returned an entry with an objectclass that is not part of the schema. Entry: 'uid=11710,ou=people,dc=isbank' ObjectClass: 'organizationalPerson '. This is very likely a corrupted entry.


I got the error below when I run the ldap sync project.

"LDAP query returned an entry with an objectclass that is not part of the schema. Entry: 'uid=11710,ou=people,dc=isbank' ObjectClass: 'organizationalPerson '. This is very likely a corrupted entry."

I can sync and fetch all data if I disabled inetOrgPerson sync step in workflow. But I I tried to run with inetOrgPerson step I faced an error. So I can't get the LDAPAccounts to my IDM database. 

Is it related uid=11710 user's objectclasses or permission issue about my sync ldap user? 

