CompositionAPI independent Datatypes

If I use HandleByQuery or HandleBySqlStatement I get have a resulting json which reflects the DB structure.

Now I need to provide a REST API for querying some date in the IdentityManager and I want to use my own DateStructure for the resulting json.

As simple example I've done this:

.HandleGet(async qr =>{
    Query q = Query.From("ESet").Select("Ident_ESet").Where("UID_ESetType = N'e65d9baa-d737-4de9-a005-2f1f8f6263c8'");
    var entityRead = await qr.Session.Source().GetCollectionAsync(q);
    ESetList esets = new ESetList();

    foreach (var eset in entityRead){
        esets.esets.Add(new ESet() { Ident_ESet = eset.GetValue("Ident_ESet") });
    return esets;

Now the Result looks like:

"Result": {
"esets": [
"Ident_ESet": "xxxx"
"Ident_ESet": "yyyy"
"Ident_ESet": "zzzz"


How can I get rid of the "Result:" entry?

I just need:


"esets": [

"Ident_ESet": "xxxx"
"Ident_ESet": "yyyy"
"Ident_ESet": "zzzz"


Or is there an easier way to do the request from scratch?

  • It works now as expected. The additional bracket with the "Result": {...} disappears while using the CancellationToken as well:

                    .HandleGet(async (qr, ct) =>
                        Query qEsets = Query.From("ESet").Select("Ident_ESet", "Remarks", "UID_PersonResponsible", "UID_ESetType").Where("UID_ESetType = N'e65d9baa-d737-4de9-a005-2f1f8f6263c8' or UID_ESetType=N'83b1694a-1d6c-4fb8-a5ea-f3f0e0d58e1d'");
                        var entityRead = await qr.Session.Source().GetCollectionAsync(qEsets, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

    The "Api0015;Await construct is missing ..." error in the API Designer was caused by wrong order of brackets. (The API Designer isn't showing that issue as the Visual Studio would).

  • Coming back to my request:

    I'v just found out, that I should use a predefined SQL for my purpose for better performance, since I have to collect also from DialogMultilanguage.

    Now I have to problem, hat the result contains to much information

                "Columns": {
                    "Ident_ESet": {
                        "Value": "SR1_TK_000509",
                        "IsReadOnly": true,
                        "DisplayValue": "SR1_TK_000509"
                    "LastUpdated": {
                        "Value": "2020-02-06T13:02:26.293Z",
                        "IsReadOnly": true,
                        "DisplayValue": "2/6/2020 2:02:26 PM"

    The client isn't interested in isReadOnly or not, and Value and DisplayValue are redundant in our case.

    Wow could i transfer that to a more simple json?

    Something like the following is all i need:

            "Ident_ESet": "SR1_TK_000509",
            "LastUpdated": "2020-02-06T13:02:26.293Z"

    Any idea?

    I couldn't find enough information in the documentation nor in the apisamples.

  • Hi,

    You are already in control of the serialized data, because the ESetList-typed and ESet-typed objects are simply being serialized to generate the JSON result.

    Can you post the definitions of the ESetList/ESet classes please?

    (By the way, using a predefined SQL statement only for performance reasons is not recommended for simple object queries.)

  • Thanks for your fast reply.

    The Eset and ESetList classes are quite simple

        public class ESetList
            public List<ESet> esets { get; set; } = new List<ESet>();
        public class ESet
            public string Key { get; set; }
            public string Ident_ESet { get; set; }
            public string Name_ESet_DE { get; set; }
            public string Name_ESet_FR { get; set; }
            public string Name_ESet_IT { get; set; }
            public string Description_ESet_DE { get; set; }
            public string Description_ESet_FR { get; set; }
            public string Description_ESet_IT { get; set; }
            public string Person_Responsible { get; set; }
            public string Eset_Type { get; set; }
            public DateTime lastUpdate { get; set; }

    Collecting data is quite expensive. For Ident_ESet (Name_Eset) and Remark (Description_ESet) I need the translation for German, French and Italian.
    The LastUpdate should reflect the latest update including the translations. So I need the MAX of XDateUpdate spread over ESet and the corresponding six DialogMultiLanguage Entries.

    My predefined SQL Statement would look like this:

    select e.Ident_ESet,
    (SELECT MAX(LastUpdateDate)
          FROM (VALUES (e.XDateUpdated),(td.XDateUpdated),(dd.XDateUpdated),(tf.XDateUpdated),(df.XDateUpdated),(ti.XDateUpdated),(di.XDateUpdated)) AS UpdateDate(LastUpdateDate)) 
       AS LastUpdated,
    td.EntryValue as TitelDE,
    dd.EntryValue as DescriptionDE, 
    ti.EntryValue as TitelFR,
    di.EntryValue as DescriptionFR, 
    ti.EntryValue as TitelIT,
    di.EntryValue as DescriptionIT
    from eset e 
    left join DialogMultiLanguage td on e.Ident_ESet = td.EntryKey and td.UID_DialogColumn ='QER-E086191A0B4E421C951A926B22C3E771' and td.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-de-CH'
    left join  DialogMultiLanguage dd on e.Remarks = dd.EntryKey and dd.UID_DialogColumn ='RMS-A2408193627B46729B9F255D571663CF' and dd.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-de-CH'
    left join DialogMultiLanguage tf on e.Ident_ESet = tf.EntryKey and tf.UID_DialogColumn ='QER-E086191A0B4E421C951A926B22C3E771' and tf.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-fr-CH'
    left join  DialogMultiLanguage df on e.Remarks = df.EntryKey and df.UID_DialogColumn ='RMS-A2408193627B46729B9F255D571663CF' and df.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-fr-CH'
    left join DialogMultiLanguage ti on e.Ident_ESet = ti.EntryKey and ti.UID_DialogColumn ='QER-E086191A0B4E421C951A926B22C3E771' and ti.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-it-CH'
    left join  DialogMultiLanguage di on e.Remarks = di.EntryKey and di.UID_DialogColumn ='RMS-A2408193627B46729B9F255D571663CF' and di.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-it-CH'
    order by td.UID_DialogCulture

    It collects all the required information fast enough. But if I use .HandleGetBySqlStatement(..) I get the Datatypes with all the additional (Meta)Data.

    Is there a way to convert the result of .HandleGetBySqlStatement into my Data Types, or could i call a predefined SQL Statment in my .HandleGet Code?

  • HandleGetBySqlStatement uses a fixed result type, so you would have to use the generic HandleGet variant to execute the predefined SQL statement. It would look similar to this:

       .HandleGet(async (request, ct) =>
                var session = request.Session;
                var result = await session.Resolve<IStatementRunner>().SqlExecuteAsync("<Statement_ID>", new[]
                    new QueryParameter("<Some_Parameter>", ValType.String, "Some_ParameterValue>")
                }, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                using (result)
                    while (result.Read())
                    // ... process each data row
                return result_object;

    Make sure to include the "using" keyword, otherwise an open data reader will cause subsequent SQL statements to fail.

  • HandleGetBySqlStatement uses a fixed result type, so you would have to use the generic HandleGet variant to execute the predefined SQL statement. It would look similar to this:

       .HandleGet(async (request, ct) =>
                var session = request.Session;
                var result = await session.Resolve<IStatementRunner>().SqlExecuteAsync("<Statement_ID>", new[]
                    new QueryParameter("<Some_Parameter>", ValType.String, "Some_ParameterValue>")
                }, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                using (result)
                    while (result.Read())
                    // ... process each data row
                return result_object;

    Make sure to include the "using" keyword, otherwise an open data reader will cause subsequent SQL statements to fail.
