Customize the Manager view that displays the Person System Roles

Hi all

We are trying to customize the Manager view that displays the Person System Roles.

When you load a Person in the Manager, you can find the “Assign System Roles” in the Tasks section. Once clicked, it opens a view in which there is the list of Person’s system roles and many more to assign.

As we extended the PersonHasEset with a custom column, we would like to display the value stored in that column. Does someone know if this is possible?

Thank you so much in advance.


  • I do not think that the M:N form can be extended so that the additional properties are shown in the selection grid.

    But you can try to copy the form "VI_Person_Person_Assigned_ESet" and add the following configuration to have the option to show the extended properties via the context menu (right-click) similar to the product dependencies page in the Manger.

    <DialogFormDefinition FormatVersion="1.0">
    		<ComponentDefinition Name="MemberRelation1" Type="VI.Components.MemberRelation">
    				<Property Name="MNBaseColumnName" Value="UID_Person" IsMandatory="True" />
    				<Property Name="MNTableName" Value="PersonHasESet" IsMandatory="True" />
    				<Property Name="ParentFKList" Value="UID_ESetType" />
    				<Property Name="EditWhereClause" Value="IsITShopOnly=0" />
    				<Property Name="ShowExtendedProperties" Value="True" />

  • I do not think that the M:N form can be extended so that the additional properties are shown in the selection grid.

    But you can try to copy the form "VI_Person_Person_Assigned_ESet" and add the following configuration to have the option to show the extended properties via the context menu (right-click) similar to the product dependencies page in the Manger.

    <DialogFormDefinition FormatVersion="1.0">
    		<ComponentDefinition Name="MemberRelation1" Type="VI.Components.MemberRelation">
    				<Property Name="MNBaseColumnName" Value="UID_Person" IsMandatory="True" />
    				<Property Name="MNTableName" Value="PersonHasESet" IsMandatory="True" />
    				<Property Name="ParentFKList" Value="UID_ESetType" />
    				<Property Name="EditWhereClause" Value="IsITShopOnly=0" />
    				<Property Name="ShowExtendedProperties" Value="True" />
