Customize the Manager view that displays the Person System Roles

Hi all

We are trying to customize the Manager view that displays the Person System Roles.

When you load a Person in the Manager, you can find the “Assign System Roles” in the Tasks section. Once clicked, it opens a view in which there is the list of Person’s system roles and many more to assign.

As we extended the PersonHasEset with a custom column, we would like to display the value stored in that column. Does someone know if this is possible?

Thank you so much in advance.


  • I do not think that the M:N form can be extended so that the additional properties are shown in the selection grid.

    But you can try to copy the form "VI_Person_Person_Assigned_ESet" and add the following configuration to have the option to show the extended properties via the context menu (right-click) similar to the product dependencies page in the Manger.

    <DialogFormDefinition FormatVersion="1.0">
    		<ComponentDefinition Name="MemberRelation1" Type="VI.Components.MemberRelation">
    				<Property Name="MNBaseColumnName" Value="UID_Person" IsMandatory="True" />
    				<Property Name="MNTableName" Value="PersonHasESet" IsMandatory="True" />
    				<Property Name="ParentFKList" Value="UID_ESetType" />
    				<Property Name="EditWhereClause" Value="IsITShopOnly=0" />
    				<Property Name="ShowExtendedProperties" Value="True" />

  • Hi Markus

    Thanks for you really quick reply but unfortunately your solution is not suitable.

    As a Person could have tens of Esets assignments, we should show immediately to the user those assignments marked by the custom field of PersonHasEset. Otherwise, he will be forced to check the extended properties one assignment by one.  And this is of course not very user friendly.

    Alternatively, as we implemented, for those assignment, a new menu item in VI_Person_Person_Overview, could we show there the custom field, just after the Ident_Eset?

  • Hi Markus

    Thanks for you really quick reply but unfortunately your solution is not suitable.

    As a Person could have tens of Esets assignments, we should show immediately to the user those assignments marked by the custom field of PersonHasEset. Otherwise, he will be forced to check the extended properties one assignment by one.  And this is of course not very user friendly.

    Alternatively, as we implemented, for those assignment, a new menu item in VI_Person_Person_Overview, could we show there the custom field, just after the Ident_Eset?
