Additional Parameter in 'OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect' Request - Authentication Context Class Reference (acr)

Hello community,

We already use 'OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect' to log in to our OIM-Backend-Tools (Manager, Designer, ....).

Now we want to make Strong Authentication mandatory (Yubikeky+PIN) and prevent login with username+password.

For this we have to extend the OpenID request with the parameter acr_values.

The request string required by the provider: 


Let's split the request string:

OI Setting

Parameter in request

Login Endpoint (screenshot)


Client ID (screenshot)


Value okay: set dynamically


Scope (screenshot)


Redirect URI (screenshot)


Value okay


Value okay: set dynamically


 missing value



We can successfully send all the requested values with the string, but not the acr_values. Where can I enter this additional value in the OI settings?

  • Hi all,

    we are currently running in this issue again. We use OI Manger 9.0 LTS at the moment. Is acr_value supported with this version?

    thanks for your support


  • 9.0 LTS supports acr values in general. In Designer you will find the property "Request authentication context" at the identity provider and the identity client master data. ("Space-separated string that specifies the acr values that the Authorization Server is being requested to use for processing this Authentication Request, with the values appearing in order of preference.")

    Can you please indicate which application (API server, AppServer, etc.) encountered the missing ACR values during authentication?

  • 9.0 LTS supports acr values in general. In Designer you will find the property "Request authentication context" at the identity provider and the identity client master data. ("Space-separated string that specifies the acr values that the Authorization Server is being requested to use for processing this Authentication Request, with the values appearing in order of preference.")

    Can you please indicate which application (API server, AppServer, etc.) encountered the missing ACR values during authentication?
