Where to find SAP DLLs? sapnco.dll , sapnco_utils.dll , etc

Hi all,

The documentation for connection to a SAP environment mentions that 6 DLL files have to be in the GAC or in some directory.


First Question: 
Where do I find those DLLs?

I understand they should be in the installation folder of the customers SAP installation.

Can someone provide a example path for where they are exactly?

And do I also find the msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll files in the same path?

Second Question:

Where do I put them and how?

Is it the root directory where the Job Service is installed? 
Is it one of the directories below?
Is it the directory of the installation files before I actually install the Job Service?

The usual Global Assembly Cache directory is "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\assembly" but there are also 3 folders in there (GAC_32, GAC_64 and GAC_MSIL). And again folders in those. Where should I put the files exactly?

Can I use the Software Loader to import the files to the database? If yes, in which directory do I have to put them so that they are correctly imported?

The use of the Software Loader Tool is not mentioned in the documentation at all.

I hope someone can help.

