Mandatory reason on second step of approval workflow

Hi Experts.

We're having a little trouble finding out if there is any possibilities to activate mandatory reason of approval in an approval workflow on all steps?
We have created request properties for a number of roles which works fine regarding mandatory reason for the end-user who puts in the request.
We need to find out if there is any way to put mandatory reason of approval which will be sent to the next step in the workflow. 

Could we create a checkbox for this situation that has to be checked before the approver can approve it.

  • Hi,

    If we talking about a web portal - then yes, you can create a checkbox or implement other type of control/validation. I've used such approach in recertifications, and mandatory field was Last name of employee. So, even all requests/cases were marked, submit button still inactive until employee entered last name which should be the same as in employee card.

  • Hi,

    If we talking about a web portal - then yes, you can create a checkbox or implement other type of control/validation. I've used such approach in recertifications, and mandatory field was Last name of employee. So, even all requests/cases were marked, submit button still inactive until employee entered last name which should be the same as in employee card.
