One Identity O3EDLAcceptRcpt table CRUD via API

I needed to be able to add/remove users ability to send from a distribution list via the API. I am under the direction that the able O3EDLAcceptRcpt table governs this permission. Using entirely out of the box sync projects with One Identity Manager 8.1.2, I attempted to remove a person from the table via the API like I do for other tables using the DELETE call to the table. The API worked, the record was deleted and a "O3E_DisticutionList_Update/Deactivate" job was fired. However the job froze with the following error:

ErrorMessages  (2021-10-06 10:39:48.153) [1777018] Error executing synchronization project (Exchange Online organization '')'s workflow (Provisioning).

[1777124] Error executing projection step (DistributionGroup) of projection configuration (Provisioning (Provisioning)).

[1777219] Error executing synchronization step (DistributionGroup)!

[1777004] Method (Insert (Insert)) could not be executed successfully.

[VI.Base.PowerShell.Runner.PipelineHasErrorsExeption] The following errors occured during execution:

There are multiple recipients matching identity "All Employees". Please specify a unique value.

   at VI.Projector.JobComponent.ProjectorComponent._AdHocProjection()

   at VI.Projector.Database.ProjectorExecutor.Project(ISession session, IProjectionConfiguration configuration, ProjectionOption options, ISystemObject adHocObject, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   at VI.Projector.Projection.Extensions.Execute(IProjectorEngine engine, IProjectionConfiguration configuration, ProjectionOption options, ISystemObject adHocObject, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)

I opened a ticket with support - however they directed me to the forum...

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