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Password Capture Agent 7.0 , windows 2012 domain , "the passed password is not a string"

Hi there, 

I have Password Capture Agent 7.0 installed on a 2012 2-controller windows domain. So far it's working flawlessly on one of the DC. The other, however, shows the following message when any logged user changes the password:

"PasswordChangeNotify()-Thread (1140): The Job for this Password-change Username="xxxx" UserRid="NNNNN" was ignored because the passed password is not a string."

Any ideas?

  • Markus, feel free to ask whatever details you need.

    Now it is working on the server. I needed to reboot it and now it is working. But the former, flawless controller , has stopped working , showing the same error.

    To add more info: We have three password hooks installed on these servers: One to sync passwords to ldap 389ds , other to sync passwords to Google Apps and the third one to sync passwords to Identity1. Could the order these services are started have anything to do with the issue?
  • Markus, feel free to ask whatever details you need.

    Now it is working on the server. I needed to reboot it and now it is working. But the former, flawless controller , has stopped working , showing the same error.

    To add more info: We have three password hooks installed on these servers: One to sync passwords to ldap 389ds , other to sync passwords to Google Apps and the third one to sync passwords to Identity1. Could the order these services are started have anything to do with the issue?
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