Process does not trigger on Update event on PersonInOrg

I tried making a custom process that triggers on INSERT on PersonInOrg table. I've checked the "Assign by event" flag and tried using both an empty generating condition and "Value = True" condition. 

The process is never triggered no matter what I try. When I add users to any business role there are no processes in Job queue.

I've also tried importing a process from a collegue. On his environment it work, but when it's imported into my environment it does not trigger.

I'm using version 8.1

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  • OK well I'm not sure what's going on then .... we're running 8.1.2 and have the flag set.  We have a process listening on DELETE and INSERT and I can see that it fires regularly.

    I was pretty certain that the flag gives you the ASSIGN and REMOVE events ....... but you have to add them to the list of events that the process listens to .... they aren't there for free.

  • Thank you Barry. I manually entered ASSIGN event and it works now. 

    I got some help from a collegue that is more proficient than I and we tested this on a few different environemnts and it worked on all of them (some had the exact same version and some with older version, all were 8.1.x). I guess  there's something wrong with my environment.