Trying to remove PersonInOrg-Assignmets results in DBQueue-Deadlock

Hi community,

i had a problem that i noted in [1]. Markus Weiss-Ehlers helped with a good solution that i followed to implement.

Department-Hiarchie. Every Department is connected with an Org with AD-Groups.

Every time, an employee changes his primary department, a process (called CCC_Person_Update_PD_RGGroupOrg) moves the PersonInOrg Assinment accordingly. If employee changes from department A to B, the process deletes PersonInOrgA and adds PersonInOrgB.

The result isnt as expected.

(i cant attach images here, so i have to describe)

The process CCC_Person_Update_PD_RGGroupOrg stops in his first step (deleting PersonInOrg-Assignment in old department) with execution status "True". The DEQueue is filled with Tasks like

Complete recalculation for all assignments of employyee to roles (Identity Mangement Base)

Assign resource assignments

Assign resources

Multi-request resources assignments


In System Journal is says things (among others)

"Resetting DBQueue tasks APC-K-PersonHasApp because processes CCC_Person_Update_PD_RGGroupOrg related to objects on these tasks are still running in JobQueue."

This lasts now the whole night since yesterday without change.

This looks like a DBQueue-Deadlock for me.

Does anyone have advice how to solve this problem?


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