Approval workflow types

Hello experts!

A quick question about approval workflows.

I know that these perform very well on the itshop product requests (with PersonWantsOrg model behind).
But what about other approvals, like in a case of user creation?Or user modification?Or other lifecycle events that may probably require an approval.
Is it possible to run an approval workflow in such cases? Is it something "natively" present in OneIM8? Could you please advise some documentation?


  • Yes, you can run an approval workflow for anything. One way would be to use a Multi requestable resource (QEReuse or QERReuseUS). This resource can be published to the IT Shop, in essence becoming a product and allowing you to connect it to a PWO and thus able to attach approval WFs to it

    The entire way is a bit difficult to explain here unfortunately, but what you need to do is make a customisation which orders that QER resource (i.e. adds it to shopping cart). Once that is done, you can submit it as a normal request

  • Hi kinshasa and thank you for this reply!

    So if I understand well, the idea is to "link" a PWO creation with a user's creation (insert event) ? But it seems to me a huge customization... I'm pretty sure that it will work, but I would like to know if there are some standard ways to put some events (like users arrivals) under approval workflows.

    I've heard about an attestation policy mechanism which could be used for new user arrival.

  • Hi kinshasa and thank you for this reply!

    So if I understand well, the idea is to "link" a PWO creation with a user's creation (insert event) ? But it seems to me a huge customization... I'm pretty sure that it will work, but I would like to know if there are some standard ways to put some events (like users arrivals) under approval workflows.

    I've heard about an attestation policy mechanism which could be used for new user arrival.
