Angular development in 8.2

Spent a couple of days working on figuring out development on the Angular portal in 8.2. My findings so far:

- VS code 1IM extension:
   - Sort of works, for initial setup and compilation
   - For every start of VS code, you have to define the development folder. This overwrites all existing files, so it makes the extension completely unusable.
   - Setting the "API client" gives an error, I've no idea what this does.
   - Summa summarum, not usable at all at this point. Any development must be done with the command line imxclient

- Building
   - Several tarballs missing from imx-modules, these can be found in the installation media under addons (why are these not bundled in the project?)
   - All imx libs must be explicitly added with ng add to npm packages
   - Several build files missing, some projects do not build oob. I was able to create these manually.
   - There are several projects missing completely from the sources
   - Dev server does not start because of the missing projects (like DPR)
   - I did manage to build the required modules (ATT, QBM, QER, TSB) and managed to build the actual portal project

- Branches, publishing
   - No idea what is the purpose of branches? I can create a branch and compile it, also select it and compile in the API designer, but no idea how to "view" a branch with browser.
   - No tools to merge branches, no apparent change management i.e. how to transport changes or how to manage chg labels with these.
   - How are changes published to IIS? No matter how much I build, full compile DB and reset IIS, I see no changes. Is there a publish button somewhere? Can't see changes either when running "run-apiserver" from imxclient.

Any info on how to actually publish the portal project would be nice.

  • Hello Teijo,

    I assume that what you are trying to do is to modify the portal project, and host a customized version of the portal project. This particular use case will not be fully supported until 8.2.1 because the qer-app-portal is a precompiled project. What you can do is define a custom app and compile that.

    > Several tarballs missing from imx-modules, these can be found in the installation media under addons
    Can you tell which ones were missing? They should be there.

    Regarding branches, OneIM deals with "compilation branches" which are not source code branches (like in Git). For this reason, change labels or merging operations do not apply. Compilation branches are a simple way to manage different compiled versions of a project.

    Compilation branches were needed for the 8.1 compiler and you probably don't need to worry about those for now. Just use a regular SCM to manage your code chages outside of OneIM.

    I will follow up internally regarding your feedback on the VS Code extension.



  • Hi  ,

    a quick question: at a customer, we want to go live with the new web portal but we need some branding (colours) and some hiding of functionalities and buttons we don't want to show.

    Do we need to wait for 8.2.1 to do so or it's possible in 8.2 already?


  • Hi  ,

    a quick question: at a customer, we want to go live with the new web portal but we need some branding (colours) and some hiding of functionalities and buttons we don't want to show.

    Do we need to wait for 8.2.1 to do so or it's possible in 8.2 already?


  • Hi,

    This is on the feature list for the 8.2.1 release.

    Could you give some examples of buttons you don't want to show?


  • Hi,
    well usually we hide things like

    • the creation of new employees
    • the master data screen for employees (since allows managers to update values)
    • the master data screen for business roles (since allows the owner to update values)
    • the whole delegation section since we use delegates at identity level (as in v6 and now back in 8.2). We find the delegation too complex for business users.
    • Add entitlement for system role owners (because even though it's finally a request, but the owner can still see all entitlements and we want to limit it based on custom filters)

    plus many more

    I know that many of these things can also be achieved through permissions or configuration queries, but at least on the old website, we found it easier to spend 2-3 hours hiding unwanted things.

    I am not asking for timelines for 8.2.1 since we need to go live in April and I guess won't happen in time.

    Thanks for the quick reply!
