IT Shop Service Category Visibility to Application Roles

Hi Experts,

I am having an issue with displaying IT Shop Service category to specified application role.

There are 2 Service categories- i)Change Maker Checker  ii) Maker Initiated Password Reset/Account Activation.

and we have Locationwise  role approvers who will be responsible to initiate the password Password Reset/Account Activation on behalf of his/her location based employees- Already Configured.

Also We have a IT Approver who will be responsible for Change maker checker service category(basically locationwise application role membership modication) and and only IT Approver can use this- Already configured the same.

Our requirement is-

1)NO Service category should be visible to normal employees.(Note: All Employees are part of IT Shop customer)- As they are not allowed to initiate the request 

2) Change Maker Checker Service category should be visible only to IT Approvers(Superadmin).

3)Maker Initiated Password Reset/Account Activation should be accessed by Role Approvers and IT Approvers.

We are using Following Query but not Role Approvers and IT approvers are not able to see the products. Please Assist.


AND exists ("PersonInAERole", format ("UID_Person ={0} and UID_AERole ='{1}'",sqlformatvalue (getuser(),

"string", "NonUnicodeLiterals"), SingleProperty ('AERole', 'UID_AERole',format ("Ident_AeRole= 'SuperAdmin' or UID_ParentAERole= 'QER-AEROLE-STRUCTADMIN-RULER' "))))

Vishal Chavan



    Check Configuration parameters in web designer called

    Products to display for a given list of recipients

    Products to display for a given  of recipient

    and use inside those queries also   %useruid%   as a variable that holds the uid of the logged in user.

    You can construct a query that can check if an employee is a member of a particular business or application role and which categories to display.