Configuring SCIM connector in wizard to connect to Starling Connect

I am trying to connect the SCIM connector by using the wizard from Launchpad ("Target system type SCIM interface").

I am struggeling obviously to provide the correct parameters (Server URL, Port, Service URI, Client secret etc.) to get a successful connection to Starling connect.

As far as I can see all the information is provided in the Starling portal, but I guess I am missing the single important point here.

Can someone advice which information needs to be taken from the Starling portal and be pasted into the right fields of the SCIM connector wizard?

Thanks in advance.

Quick help is very much appreciated as a matter of urgency.



  • Login to Starling Connect, click on one of the connectors that you have set up. Next, take the legacy scim URL and break it down like this. Server url = "">" and the part after that is for URI of service "/tiny/v1/zEFvpwLuYbeuDfCeENytFzkEVn/scim" set the auth type to Oauth. Go to the main page in Starling Connect and grab the Scim Token Endpoint url and copy it into the Authentication endpoint/Url field. Click the next button. Grab the client secret from the main Starling Connect portal as well as the client id and put those in the respective fields. Set the grant type to Client credentials and click Next. Click the Test button and it should be successful.

  • Login to Starling Connect, click on one of the connectors that you have set up. Next, take the legacy scim URL and break it down like this. Server url = "">" and the part after that is for URI of service "/tiny/v1/zEFvpwLuYbeuDfCeENytFzkEVn/scim" set the auth type to Oauth. Go to the main page in Starling Connect and grab the Scim Token Endpoint url and copy it into the Authentication endpoint/Url field. Click the next button. Grab the client secret from the main Starling Connect portal as well as the client id and put those in the respective fields. Set the grant type to Client credentials and click Next. Click the Test button and it should be successful.
