MarkAsOutstanding object was published/reset but revert to being outstanding

I published and reset the outstanding group object in Active directory however it is reverting to be outstanding. What should be the best way to fix the outstanding object? I need to to publish it as the user is in need of the group membership in AD but I cannot add it as it was mark as outstanding.

  • All the reset does is clear the xmarkedfordeletion column, if the target system (AD) still has the group membership as non existing this will get set to user not found in target system (outstanding) on the next synchronization. If you are publishing the outstanding object that should create it in the target system, this sounds as if something is removing the group membership again in AD. Something is telling Identity Manager during the sync that this object no longer exists. Maybe check your scope for the synchronization project?

  • Hi Tony, I appreciate your reply. I think the reason as to why it was removed because there are duplicate AD account assigned to user. But I also tried publishing both AD account and I think this is causing the conflict. Perhaps I will start from there. Thanks.

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