ServiceNow with Starling Connect - Failure in Initial Synchronization

Hi Experts

We hit an issue in running the synchronization project with the Starling Connect and ServiceNow. The User and Group data is well synchronized. However it returned error when performing Phase #2 in the Groups which is about synchronizing user group assignments into UCIUserInGroup. Having retried for a few times and it keeps throwing the following error

[1777124] Error executing projection step (Group - Phase #2) of projection configuration (Copy of Initial Synchronization)
[1777119] Error executing synchronization step (Group - Phase #2)!
[1777239] The mapping rule (vrtMember members~vrtIDandType) was unable to execute synchronization between system objects (APPR-START Role - PPL) and (CN=xxx,O=Group, successfully!
[1777182] Error resolving references of property (members~vrtIDandType@Group) for system object (CN=xxx,O=Group, !
[System.ArgumentException] An item with the same key has already been added.

It looks like the default property mapping for Group (UCIGroup) is not correct. Has anyone hit similar issue in the Starling Connect? Appreiaite any help. Thanks.
