One Identity 8.2 - Request Properties dont show up in the webportal

Hey there,

i have a problem with the new type of request properties.

For a product the Requester should fill an String Field and choose a ADSAccount out of Table Query.

In this case the String Field is called "Mailboxname" and the Table Query directs to ADSAccount for the Sendonbehalf Permission.

Here is the configuration for each Parameter.



Parametername: ParamMailboxname

Parametertype: User Prompt

Displayname: Mailboxname

Sortorder: 1

Mandatory paramter: Yes (not inherited)

Value definition

Data type: String (not inherited)

Range: No

Multivalue: No

Multiline: No

Data Source: None

Display pattern: empty

Empty value overrides: unchecked

Paramter value: empty

Sample value: Sharedmailboxname

Default value: Please enter sharedmailboxname



Parametername: ParamSendonbehalf

Parametertype: User Prompt

Displayname: Sendonbehalf

Sortorder: 2

Mandatory paramter: Yes (not inherited)

Value definition

Data type: String (not inherited)

Range: No

Multivalue: No

Multiline: No

Data Source: Table

Table column (query): ADSAccount - Displayname

Display pattern: ?Displayname?

Condition (query): AccountDisabled = 0

Empty value overrides: unchecked

Paramter value: empty

Sample value: empty

Default value: empty

I have nothing found in the IT Shop Administration Guide for 8.2.

The old version of request properties works fine.

glad to hear from you guysSlight smile

  • Hey, 
    we have the same issue on our side. The new version just don't work, the ONE support as confirmed to be that this might be a bug in this version.
    By try to build a new drop down in the webportal we detect this.

    Unfortunately a bit of a pain, as the new version offers much more features for customisation.


  • Hey, 
    we have the same issue on our side. The new version just don't work, the ONE support as confirmed to be that this might be a bug in this version.
    By try to build a new drop down in the webportal we detect this.

    Unfortunately a bit of a pain, as the new version offers much more features for customisation.


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