Is it possible skip LDAP schema verification?

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to connect 1IM to a legacy Oracle Unified Directory server

the project creation wizard complains about a few errors in the ldap schema provided by the server

I tried using the new "LDAP Connector (Version 2)" which allows me to load the schema from an ldif file (in which I corrected the schema errors , I also tried removing the problematic attributes)

hovever, after inputting the connector settings, I get a NullReferenceException when the wizard tries to show the schema configuration page

I also tried using ldap v2, without luck

Unfortunately, I'm unable to fix the LDAP server's schema, so I'd like to know if there's any way to make 1IM ignore the problematic attributes

Here's the error I'm getting, not really helpful unfortunately:

[2417001] Unable to setup wizard page (Connector schema configuration).
at VI.FormBase.UILogic.TriggeredExecution._EventHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at VI.UI.Wizards.Wizard.Next()
at VI.UI.Wizards.WizardPage.Setup(WizardPageSetupArgsEx args)
[System.NullReferenceException] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VI.UI.Wizards.WizardPage.Setup(WizardPageSetupArgsEx args)
at VI.Projector.LDAP.UI.Wizard.Pages.Page110MetaSchemaConfiguration.OnSetup(WizardPageSetupArgs args)
at VI.Projector.LDAP.UI.Wizard.Pages.Page110MetaSchemaConfiguration._getMetaSchema()

Thank you,


  • Hello Silvio, i think because your modified schema (with corrections) still does not match the real live schema on your Oracle LDAP. Oracle LDAP is capable of handling all kind of data situation one cannot find in other LDAP Directories but it still takes the RFC into account. So it cannot be  that your schema is so heavily customized that the wizard cannot follow all the object/property relations. Please verify that your ACI allows you to read ALL data fron the RootDSE and all the data in the Schema. Then when you need to tweak the syncProject you have under the "Expert View/ Advanced Settings" options to flip extended object to Aux Objects to be able to read the data/stack to your iNetOrgPerson for example. Also make sure your LDAP tree does not hold whitespaces, trailing/leading spaces in DNS relations or having special characters in it. Those chars need to be escaped.

  • Hello Silvio, i think because your modified schema (with corrections) still does not match the real live schema on your Oracle LDAP. Oracle LDAP is capable of handling all kind of data situation one cannot find in other LDAP Directories but it still takes the RFC into account. So it cannot be  that your schema is so heavily customized that the wizard cannot follow all the object/property relations. Please verify that your ACI allows you to read ALL data fron the RootDSE and all the data in the Schema. Then when you need to tweak the syncProject you have under the "Expert View/ Advanced Settings" options to flip extended object to Aux Objects to be able to read the data/stack to your iNetOrgPerson for example. Also make sure your LDAP tree does not hold whitespaces, trailing/leading spaces in DNS relations or having special characters in it. Those chars need to be escaped.

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