Removing Custom Schema Extension in PRD

I know that removing custom schema extension in production level isn't supported out of the box:

Now I like to get rid of one of this columns and I wondering why it isn't supported. The risk could be quite high, but is it worth to keep the garbage forever?

I could force it, if I change the ProductionLevel temporary to a non production level. Is there any reason, why I shouldn't do that?


PS: We are on 8.1.3

  • Hello,

    In our case, we have switched to "Stagging" configuration for deleting some custom schema.

    It's not powerfull because it will slowdown all the platform but didn't find any other solutions. (My case was to delete and create again a custom view which has not been transported successfully)

    I suggest to do it in a cold time of your users and to do the operation quickly to back in Production more faster.

  • Hello,

    In our case, we have switched to "Stagging" configuration for deleting some custom schema.

    It's not powerfull because it will slowdown all the platform but didn't find any other solutions. (My case was to delete and create again a custom view which has not been transported successfully)

    I suggest to do it in a cold time of your users and to do the operation quickly to back in Production more faster.

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