Removing Custom Schema Extension in PRD

I know that removing custom schema extension in production level isn't supported out of the box:

Now I like to get rid of one of this columns and I wondering why it isn't supported. The risk could be quite high, but is it worth to keep the garbage forever?

I could force it, if I change the ProductionLevel temporary to a non production level. Is there any reason, why I shouldn't do that?


PS: We are on 8.1.3

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  • Hello Michel,

    The object browser should be fine if you use a SQL server connection with the dbname_Admin (AdminUser) account or the SQL install account (SysAdmin) or use SQL studio. Or temporary change the Staging level as suggested above in the post.
    P.s. make SQL backup first do it in a change window and always try it out in a test environment first. 

  • Hello Niels,
    Thank you for your answer but I am not at ease with changing the staging level because I have many dynamic roles that refers to DialogDatabase.ProductionLevel in their definition.
    Beside that, the support told me using QBM_PTableDrop  is not safe. 
    No solution to remove the useless tables then. Not very critical but it's a pity.


  • I can understand the support standpoint not knowing the dependencies of the custom table in your environment.
    You could disable the schedules used by these dynamic roles during the operation, but then again like you said it's not critical.

  • The support did not really alerted about the potential dependencies of the custom table, but simply presented instead the procedure QBM_PTableDrop as not safe in that context. In the end I don't know in which context that procedure can be used. But anyway that is a good idea to disable the schedule that compute dynamic roles. Simple but probably safe. Many thanks for this suggestion !