Removing Custom Schema Extension in PRD

I know that removing custom schema extension in production level isn't supported out of the box:

Now I like to get rid of one of this columns and I wondering why it isn't supported. The risk could be quite high, but is it worth to keep the garbage forever?

I could force it, if I change the ProductionLevel temporary to a non production level. Is there any reason, why I shouldn't do that?


PS: We are on 8.1.3

Parents Reply
  • Hello Niels,
    Thank you for your answer but I am not at ease with changing the staging level because I have many dynamic roles that refers to DialogDatabase.ProductionLevel in their definition.
    Beside that, the support told me using QBM_PTableDrop  is not safe. 
    No solution to remove the useless tables then. Not very critical but it's a pity.

