How to add Date scope on Target system in synchronization editor?

Hello All,

I am trying to add scope on the Target System side in the synchronization Editor. The target is an sql database table and has a column named UPDATEDATE. we are planning to bring and sync records that are having the UPDATEDATE as the day before i.e. records that are updated 1 day before than the current system date. I am not able to find out how to add that scope using a object filter (condition/scripting). 

could someone help me with the exact condition for adding the scope on the target side on UPDATEDATE column? for e.g. something like UPDATEDATE >= GETUTC().ADDDAYS(-1)

Note : Version of One Identity Manager - V 8.1

Thanks in Advance.!


Parents Reply
  • Hi Lucrezia,

    if the usage of revision counter in SCIM connector based on property meta.lastmodified is not a solution you may create a variable in your synchronization project, lets say the name is "yesterday", and the value is "2024-05-01". Having this in place you are able to create a scope filter (as "system filter") like this:

    meta.lastmodified gt $yesterday$

    This filter will be part of the URI getting the object list and is processed on server site.

    To have always the right value on the variable you could create a scheduled process at table DPRSystemVariable and set the date string each day at 00:01 am.


