How can I set Person.Password attribute manually which is related Password Reset Web?

I tried to set a cleartext password for Person.Password attribute (exp:Passw0rd1.) But when I tried "I have a passcode" function on Password Reset Web page, I faced an error "Failed to authenticate user: Not yet implemented -> [Hash function for key Passw0rd1.]". I think there should be a way to set Person.Password value manually  and maybe there is a script for generate specific password for this attribute...

  • Can you please provide the version of OneIM you are using?

    In addition, as the person Person.Password does not exist in the product, can you please share the real property name you have set your password?

  • Hi Markus,

    We are using version 8.1.1 currently.   I don't understand what do you mean saying that Person.Password does not exist in the product. I can see that field in ObjectBrowser. 

    Accually we want to generate passcode and send sms to the user that passcode on the webside or backend side which is more avaliable technically.. Is that possible? If I can learn how can i generate a passcode and assign that passcode to the user  then I can figure out rest...

    Here you can see the screenshott about Person.Password attribute. 

  • As I have told you, the property Person.Password does not exist. You are talking about Person.Passcode.

    To create a passcode, you need to call the method CreatePasscode(hoursValid as Integer) at the person object using the entity layer. The method will return the generated passcode.

  • Sorry for my typo.  I have created a process and script and now I can generate a passcode for a person and I can use it on Password Web Side (I have a passcode).

    Now I should trigger my process when user chooses authentication method  (I have a passcode ) on the PRW site. I think I can handle it via web designer. Can I call the same method (createPassword) via Web Designer?  Or what is the best way you can suggest?

    Here is my code sample: 

    Dim Pers As ISingleDbObject = Connection.CreateSingle(New DBObjectKey("<Key><T>Person</T><P>989160c4-7de1-471c-89bd-9ed55e7db15f</P></Key>"))


    Dim hoursValid As Long = CInt(Connection.GetConfigParm("QER\Attestation\NewExternalUserTimeoutInHours"))

    Dim passCode As String = Pers.Custom.CallMethod("CreatePassCode", hoursValid).ToString



    Dim passCodeEncoded As String = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(passCode)

    Dim verificationLink As String = _
    String.Format("{0}/page.axd?ContextID=QER_PasswordWeb_Session&aeweb_UID_AttestationCase={1}&aeweb_PassCode={2}", _
    QER_GetWebPasswordResetURL(), _
    $UID_AttestationCase$, _


    Thank you,

  • Sorry for my typo.  I have created a process and script and now I can generate a passcode for a person and I can use it on Password Web Side (I have a passcode).

    Now I should trigger my process when user chooses authentication method  (I have a passcode ) on the PRW site. I think I can handle it via web designer. Can I call the same method (createPassword) via Web Designer?  Or what is the best way you can suggest?

    Here is my code sample: 

    Dim Pers As ISingleDbObject = Connection.CreateSingle(New DBObjectKey("<Key><T>Person</T><P>989160c4-7de1-471c-89bd-9ed55e7db15f</P></Key>"))


    Dim hoursValid As Long = CInt(Connection.GetConfigParm("QER\Attestation\NewExternalUserTimeoutInHours"))

    Dim passCode As String = Pers.Custom.CallMethod("CreatePassCode", hoursValid).ToString



    Dim passCodeEncoded As String = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(passCode)

    Dim verificationLink As String = _
    String.Format("{0}/page.axd?ContextID=QER_PasswordWeb_Session&aeweb_UID_AttestationCase={1}&aeweb_PassCode={2}", _
    QER_GetWebPasswordResetURL(), _
    $UID_AttestationCase$, _


    Thank you,
