How can I set Person.Password attribute manually which is related Password Reset Web?

I tried to set a cleartext password for Person.Password attribute (exp:Passw0rd1.) But when I tried "I have a passcode" function on Password Reset Web page, I faced an error "Failed to authenticate user: Not yet implemented -> [Hash function for key Passw0rd1.]". I think there should be a way to set Person.Password value manually  and maybe there is a script for generate specific password for this attribute...

  • Hi,
    To authenticate to the application (or the App Server in particular), you can set a fixed connection string in the web.config (don't forget to encrypt).

    Then use something like the following code:

                VI.DB.IConnection newConnection;
                using (newConnection)
                    var connectionString =

                    // ... do what you need to do inside the connection
  • PS: Instead of calling the AppServer API on a network level, it may be easier to call a script

  • I understood that web.config side but where should I use that code (newConnection.Authenticate(connectionString))? Should I use it in Web Designer? If I should, is there any example ? Because I have never used this type of codes in Web Designer.. Where is the correct place to use it in Web Designer? (module, component etc..)