How to use Multivalue Parameters in Report Editor?


I am a completely new user with this software and I did not find the answer in the documentation/google/youtube so I would need some help, pretty please. 

I received a task to put together some reports in Report Editor.

I'd like to create a "user prompt" with "multivalue" parameter and use it in the "Condition section" on tab "Data sources".

Problem: my report shows no results if I select more than one value but works if only one value is selected.

Here is a copy/paste of my condition (tab Data Sources): 

UID_PersonHead IN (

  SELECT UID_Person 

  FROM Person


    CompanyMember IN (@CompanyParameter) -- multivalue parameter

    AND PersonnelNumber NOT IN ('XXX', 'TEST')


Not sure if it matters but I selected "List of permitted values" in the "Parameters --> Value definition". 

Hope anyone can provide some insight on how can multivalue parameters be  used like in the example above. 

Thank you!! :) 

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