Process Orchastration - How to use Inherited values?


I´m trying to build a process. I now have queried some information like UID_ADSGroup and UID_ADSaccount to add a user to an AD group. But how can I use this Values in the following process step? And how can I add a screenshot here?

Best, Denny

Parents Reply
  • It is still not working :(

    this is what I got from the Parameter section in the Jobqueue:

    UID_ADSAccount 397049a2-9677-4634-bbae-c7c1c0f610b2

    UID_ADSGroup_NewGroup 63ea98d6-8562-444e-bafe-a89da6b5d5ae

    val_UID_ADSAccount &Out(UID_ADSAccount)&

    val_UID_AdsGroup &Out(UID_ADSGroup_NewGroup)&

    Do I need to activate something first?

    Edit: And one Excample how I set it: Value = "&Out(UID_ADSAccount)&"
