How to have different deferred deletions durations for different UNSAccountB Types


Using 8.2.0 on OnDemand environment.

We have to different custom target systems let's say A and B. For each of those target systems we have an account definition. And users get the UNSAccountB via dynamic roles. 

When a user becomesInactive (ie ISInactive =1) we want accounts for target system A to be deleted immediately and accounts for target system B to be deleted after a 5 days deferred deletion. 

Currently we have found no way of doing this. We tried setting the deferred deletion on the custom target system definitions but it seems to have no effect. The only way we have found to change the deffered deletion period for UNSAccountB is changer the option on the table itself but then the duration is the same for all UNSAccountBs regardless of their type. 

Do you know of a way to define distinct deferred deletions durations in this case ? 
