ManagerWeb SSO - Not working

Hi all,

we are try to setup OAuth-Single Sign On with Azure for the ManagerWeb.
We already have successfully setup the SSO for the IdentityManager Web-Portal which works fine.

If you are open the ManagerWeb-site you will receive an error like:

Failed to authenticate user
System.NullReferenceExpection - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

What we have done:

Designer > Base Data > Security > OAuth2.0....
- We already have there a IdentityProvider for the Manager Web and add here a second application for the manager web

Designer > Base Data > Security > Web server configuration
- Select the Authentication Method "OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect (role-based)"
- Select the Application on the OAuth2.0...connection application

Webserver > Web.Config > Authentication set to "OAuth2.0 (role based).

Added all the reply URL's to our Azure IDP Endpoint.

So far all similar to the working "IdentityManager" configuration but it's not working

Any idea? Thanks!


  • Hi Michael,

    This is probably one for Support for troubleshoot, but one question: do you have a log file that shows the full error information?


  • Hi,

    the only error message/log I can find is the one I've posted with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
    Or do you know a path where to find additional informations?

    Additional we have some issues with the ManagerWeb that on one environment the login also doesn't work if we open it via the load-balancer URL. Important to know, on all web-servers the load-balancer url is defined to the Web.Config.Editor as well. So it should work.
    So for the "classic login" only the hostname/ManagerWeb site is working, we are getting this error also for the "localhost/managerweb" so it looks not like an error from the load-balancer.

    But I will also reach out to the support for this case.


  • Hi,

    the only error message/log I can find is the one I've posted with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
    Or do you know a path where to find additional informations?

    Additional we have some issues with the ManagerWeb that on one environment the login also doesn't work if we open it via the load-balancer URL. Important to know, on all web-servers the load-balancer url is defined to the Web.Config.Editor as well. So it should work.
    So for the "classic login" only the hostname/ManagerWeb site is working, we are getting this error also for the "localhost/managerweb" so it looks not like an error from the load-balancer.

    But I will also reach out to the support for this case.


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