Removing of AccountDef prevents updating targetsystem via Powershell


I've created a Powershell-connector to a Rest API and Insert and Delete works just fine. Even Update works but not when the account definition is removed from the user and XMarkedForDeletion is set.

I even added a process step in CCC_TSB_PersonHasTSBAccountDef_Autodelete_Account that calls a script that triggers the Update event on the specific UNSAccountB. The process is triggered but it only runs a Get-User from the targetsystem and then exits with no errors.

Is this expected behaviour?

If it is, does anyone have any suggestion how to proceed?

Disabled is not mandatory and is not part of ForceSyncOf in the process step.

I'm on version 9.0 in development and 8.1.5 in production.


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