Creating imx-api library with ImxClient in One Identity Manager 9.1


we have an custom API which was created with One Identity Manager v8 and has been configured with the ApiDesigner. We are now switching to One Identity Manager 9.1. I have changed the implementation so that our API Projects are now registered as a Plugin in the VisualStudio project. So far so good, the API is properly picked up by the ApiServer once loaded into the Database and requesting the custom endpoints works fine. But now we come to the Angular related part. In the past, we have used the imx-api library which was created by the ApiDesigner to make use of the custom models and to invoke the API requests with the respective autogenerated functions.

In 9.1 we have to use the ImxClient. According to the documentation, i can create the typescript client package with something like this:

ImxClient.exe compile-api /copyapi C:\...\imx-api-ccc.tgz /packagename imx-api-ccc

I expected to get a similar package as with the imx-api but there are all of our custom models / API endpoints missing. There are tons of Info messages saying:

Info: Endpoint GET ... was not found in code and deleted.

What does this mean and how can we get a client library similar to the imx-api in 8.2 ?

Best regards, Daniel