One Identity scripts to connect to powershell

Hi Team,

Can anyone provide me sample start/ stop scripts or connection details to convert mailbox to shared mailbox via on-premises hybrid exchange.

PowerShell command which I'm using is as below

"Set-RemoteMailbox "DIsplayName" -Type Shared"

  • Hello,

    This is something that we use to manage a remote mailbox with some PowerShell statements in a custom process task (PowershellComponentNet4 - ExecuteScript):


    Dim script As New StringBuilder()

    script.AppendLine("$credential = Import-CliXml -path '" & session.Config.GetConfigParm(Config.Custom.RemoteMailbox.CredentialFileO365) & "'")
    script.AppendLine("$Session = New-PsSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri '" & session.Config.GetConfigParm(Config.Custom.RemoteMailbox.ConnectionUrl) & "' -Authentication kerberos -Credential $Credential")
    script.AppendLine("Import-Pssession $Session")
    script.AppendLine("Set-RemoteMailbox -Identity " & $Mail$ & " -AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers " & $Mail$)
    script.AppendLine("Set-RemoteMailbox -identity " & $Mail$ & " -HiddenFromAddresslistsEnabled $true")

    value = script.ToString()


    I am sure that there are plenty other ways to do it. Hope this helps you out a bit.


    Mrs. Wilke Jansoone

  • Hello,

    This is something that we use to manage a remote mailbox with some PowerShell statements in a custom process task (PowershellComponentNet4 - ExecuteScript):


    Dim script As New StringBuilder()

    script.AppendLine("$credential = Import-CliXml -path '" & session.Config.GetConfigParm(Config.Custom.RemoteMailbox.CredentialFileO365) & "'")
    script.AppendLine("$Session = New-PsSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri '" & session.Config.GetConfigParm(Config.Custom.RemoteMailbox.ConnectionUrl) & "' -Authentication kerberos -Credential $Credential")
    script.AppendLine("Import-Pssession $Session")
    script.AppendLine("Set-RemoteMailbox -Identity " & $Mail$ & " -AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers " & $Mail$)
    script.AppendLine("Set-RemoteMailbox -identity " & $Mail$ & " -HiddenFromAddresslistsEnabled $true")

    value = script.ToString()


    I am sure that there are plenty other ways to do it. Hope this helps you out a bit.


    Mrs. Wilke Jansoone

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