Compilation taking long time after schema extension

Hi All,

I extended AADUser table by creating custom column and now compilation step taking long time.

Do you know is it normal or something is not correct.!At2ViqLAc9Hp1TdzAxhjWF70-NIg?e=MKfGFX 

Kind Reagrds,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Troy,

    I see belwo entries is dialog journal.

    #LDS#Processing is disabled (deactivated trigger(s)).|
    #LDS#Temporary lock for task {0}, {1} retries left.|QBM-K-QBMConstraintDisable2| 2|
    #LDS#Temporary lock for task {0}, {1} retries left.|QBM-K-QBMConstraintDisable2| 2|
    #LDS#Temporary lock for task {0}, {1} retries left.|QBM-K-QBMConstraintDisable2| 3|

    Can I cancel window and compile database.
