How can I triggered an attestation manually with dynamic condition?


We designed an attestation. But we need to change the condition dynamicly in runtime before attestation triggered.
for ex: end user request via web interface for a specific Group for start an attestation. Then I need to start an attestation for only this group's memberships. It means group is dynamic parameter for my attestation condition. I have to change the condition according to chosen group.

Question 1: How can I triggered an attestation via web interface or triggered task in process (backend)?
I need to know ow can I run the task "Run attestationcase for single object" in backend process?

Question 2: How can I update the attestation condition before run the attestation in runtime?

Version: 8.1

  • You cannot change the condition on the fly.

    In your case, I would configure the attestation policy to include all groups in question and set the Disabled schedule.

    You can then use the customizer method CreateAttestation at the AttestationPolicy object. There is an overload of this method that takes an array of Strings (XObjectKey format) as an input parameter.

  • You cannot change the condition on the fly.

    In your case, I would configure the attestation policy to include all groups in question and set the Disabled schedule.

    You can then use the customizer method CreateAttestation at the AttestationPolicy object. There is an overload of this method that takes an array of Strings (XObjectKey format) as an input parameter.
