History database upgrade 8.1.5 -> 9.0 LTS

We use One Identity 8.1.5 with History database component installed and we are progressing to upgrade it to ver 9.0 LTS

When we try to upgrade, the main database upgrade succeeded successfully, but history database failed with error (see below):

People, do you have any ideas on this?

ERROR (VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr  ) : Processing step 'STE Configure STE (Configure the database for One Identity Manager)' failed. System.Exception: Processing step 'STE Configure STE (Configure the database for One Identity Manager)' failed. ---> System.Exception: 1 - Sql command failed. ---> VI.Base.ViException: Error running statement:

                                                insert into QBMBufferConfig(UID_QBMBufferConfig, TableName, ColumnName, ObjectKeyOfRow,

                                                                                                                                                                XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated,

                                                                                                                                                                ContentShort, HasContentFull, ContentFull


                                                                select newid(), 'DialogConfigParm', 'Enabled', d.XObjectKey

                                                                                                                , getutcdate() , getutcdate(), 'Configure Edition', 'Configure Edition'

                                                                                                                , 'False', 0, null

                                                                from DialogConfigParm d

                                                                where FullPath in (


                                                                                                                                                , 'TargetSystem\UNS\CreateNewRoot'


        and Enabled = 0

                                                                and Not exists (select 1

                                                                                                                                 from QBMBufferConfig cf

                                                                                                                                 where cf.TableName = 'DialogConfigParm'

                                                                                                                                  and cf.ColumnName = 'Enabled'

                                                                                                                                  and cf.ObjectKeyOfRow = d.XObjectKey


                   ---> VI.DB.DatabaseException: Database error 208: Invalid object name 'DialogConfigParm'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'DialogConfigParm'.
  • Did you start the configuration wizard manually to start the HistoryDB migration or how did you do it?

  • yes, we started the Configuration Wizard manually, selected the History DB, and then proceed. The Config Wizard failed then with the error message as I mentioned above. I cannot attach a screenshot, sorry.

    By the way, when we tried the same for 8.1.5 -> 8.2.1, the Config Wizard succeeded w/o any errors 

  • Can you please use the following SQL statement against your 8.1.5 HDB.

    select EditionName, EditionVersion, EditionDescription from DialogDatabase
           where exists ( select top 1 1 from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = 'HDB')


    The result should be similar to one of the two samples included here depending on the way you installed the HDB in the first place.


    EditionName EditionVersion EditionDescription
    HDB Implement the One Identity Manager History Database to archive your data in One Identity Manager.


    EditionName EditionVersion EditionDescription
    CCC Installed without edition info
  • Can you please use the following SQL statement against your 8.1.5 HDB.

    select EditionName, EditionVersion, EditionDescription from DialogDatabase
           where exists ( select top 1 1 from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = 'HDB')


    The result should be similar to one of the two samples included here depending on the way you installed the HDB in the first place.


    EditionName EditionVersion EditionDescription
    HDB Implement the One Identity Manager History Database to archive your data in One Identity Manager.


    EditionName EditionVersion EditionDescription
    CCC Installed without edition info