Virtual Object matching rule

Hello All,

I seem to be having an issue with my object matching rule in synchronization editor. I had this issue years ago and got it fixed. I recently went to version 8.0 and now no matter what i do the i keep getting duplicate inserts for a single entry.

I have a SQL table i need to populate with data based on the number of the employee and a date. This should be unique and only get one entry. Things are now duplicating each time i run the sync. The One identity side we have a emp number value that is in a string and then a date. I insert this with the sync job and nothing else. I do not do update or delete. If the entry exist that should be it, unless the date changes then a new entry should populate with that date. However now for some reason I'm getting duplicate entries no matter what. 

On the OIM side I created a virtual property based on the emp number string converted to integer and joined that with the date value. I then did a virtual property on the SQL side where emp number as integer and date value. That is my object matching rule. 

It should be simple and not recreate the entry. I spent hours trying to fix and figured I'd just extend the schema with the employee number on the OIM side as integer and used that and still duplicates occur. I even tested using just the employee number on both sides and the insert is still duplicating. I'm not sure why but the object matching rule just does not seem to work. I think I will log a ticket but wanted to see if anyone knew of this issue or seen it. I search through KB's and forum and got no help. 

Thanks for taking the time and appreciate any help or guidance.


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