Request Properties new vs. old definition - Unexpected Web Portal frontend behavior

Dear community,


I started to work with the new definitions of Request Properties in our OneIM v9.0 LTS environment with the API Server Web Portal.


Observed Behavior

Currently, I am struggling with an unexpected behavior regarding how the properties with the new definition style are requested from the user.

When requesting a service item that is tied to a set of new definition style Request Properties, the item immediately is added to the Shopping Cart without asking for input of the defined parameters.

The parameters must then be filled in by explicitly edit the service cart item in the service cart. There I see the defined list of properties.


Expected behavior

My expectation is that the properties are requested immediately when the service item tied to the Request Properties is added to the shopping cart.

This is happening when using the old style definition of Request Properties.


I was not able to identfy an object attribute or Web Portal config parameter which is controlling this behavior.

Is it somehow possible to change this?



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