How to enable more than one working copy in Identity Audit - Rules (ComplianceRule table)

I am doing compliance rule creation in bulk using the Data Import tool for One Identity Manager version 8.1.5.

However, facing challenges in enabling working copies of these compliance rules.

There is a method called "Enable working copy," which can enable only one working copy at a time. It is not allowing you to select multiple working copies at a time to enable them.

Please suggest some workarounds to enable more than one working copy (which belongs to the ComplianceRule table) at a time.

  • You can insert a one-time job into jobQueue that enables all the relevant CompliancePolicy working methods using SQL (needs to be done after every new import/change).

    Adjust the whereClause/Code as necesary: 

    declare @XObjectKeys QBM_YParameterList
    declare @ProcID varchar(38) = Convert(varchar (38),newID())
    declare @aokeff QBM_YParameterList
    Insert Into @XObjectKeys(Parameter1)
    select XObjectKey
    from ComplianceRule
    UID_ComplianceRule in 
    	(select w.UID_ComplianceRule
    	from ComplianceRule w left join ComplianceRule o on w.UID_ComplianceRule=o.UID_ComplianceRuleWork and w.IsWorkingCopy=1
    	where (w.IsSimpleMode=0
    			and isnull(w.WhereClause, '')<>isnull(o.WhereClause, '')
    			and (isnull(w.WhereClausePerson, '')<>isnull(o.WhereClausePerson, '')
    				exists (select top 1 1 
    						from ComplianceSubRule so full outer join ComplianceSubRule sw 
    							on so.WhereClauseAddOn=sw.WhereClauseAddOn
    							and so.UID_ComplianceRule=o.UID_ComplianceRule
    								and sw.UID_ComplianceRule=w.UID_ComplianceRule
    						where (so.UID_ComplianceRule=o.UID_ComplianceRule and sw.UID_ComplianceSubRule is null 
    								or sw.UID_ComplianceRule=w.UID_ComplianceRule and so.UID_ComplianceSubRule is null
    exec QBM_PJobCreate_HOCallMethod_L 'ComplianceRule', @XObjectKeys, 1, @MethodName='ActivateWorkingCopy', @GenprocID=@ProcID, @AdditionalObjectKeysAffected=@aokeff, @param1= 'True'

  • You can insert a one-time job into jobQueue that enables all the relevant CompliancePolicy working methods using SQL (needs to be done after every new import/change).

    Adjust the whereClause/Code as necesary: 

    declare @XObjectKeys QBM_YParameterList
    declare @ProcID varchar(38) = Convert(varchar (38),newID())
    declare @aokeff QBM_YParameterList
    Insert Into @XObjectKeys(Parameter1)
    select XObjectKey
    from ComplianceRule
    UID_ComplianceRule in 
    	(select w.UID_ComplianceRule
    	from ComplianceRule w left join ComplianceRule o on w.UID_ComplianceRule=o.UID_ComplianceRuleWork and w.IsWorkingCopy=1
    	where (w.IsSimpleMode=0
    			and isnull(w.WhereClause, '')<>isnull(o.WhereClause, '')
    			and (isnull(w.WhereClausePerson, '')<>isnull(o.WhereClausePerson, '')
    				exists (select top 1 1 
    						from ComplianceSubRule so full outer join ComplianceSubRule sw 
    							on so.WhereClauseAddOn=sw.WhereClauseAddOn
    							and so.UID_ComplianceRule=o.UID_ComplianceRule
    								and sw.UID_ComplianceRule=w.UID_ComplianceRule
    						where (so.UID_ComplianceRule=o.UID_ComplianceRule and sw.UID_ComplianceSubRule is null 
    								or sw.UID_ComplianceRule=w.UID_ComplianceRule and so.UID_ComplianceSubRule is null
    exec QBM_PJobCreate_HOCallMethod_L 'ComplianceRule', @XObjectKeys, 1, @MethodName='ActivateWorkingCopy', @GenprocID=@ProcID, @AdditionalObjectKeysAffected=@aokeff, @param1= 'True'

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