Manager mandatory but giving an error


I am trying to set the fileds UID_PersonHead and UID_FirmPartner as mandatory in the table Person, but when Iset the MinLen of these fields equal to 1 I get an error saying "The column cannot be marked as mandatory field (MinLen>0) because table relation 'QER-T-FirmPartner'.". I have attached a screenshot.

Why this error? Can you help me to resolve this issue?

Thank you in advice,


Parents Reply
  • Hello Elena,

    Is there also only one QBMRelation for UID_Firmpartner? My assumption would be that there is more than one QBMRelations defined for the column. 
    Otherwise use more logging to find out the issue or check the relations for the table Firmpartner, if you notice something. I'm quite sure that there is some custom relation that is interfering. You should be able to set the minlen=1 for the UID_PersonHead. Just to be sure that error is coming from the Person.UID_Firmpartner.

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