Assign One Identity manager Application Role to a Business Role

Hi All, 

I couldn't find a similar question on the forum or OID documentation. 

I've created a permission group in the designer and assigned it to a Custom/new One Identity Manager Application Role. 

Next step I would like to assign the One Identity manager application role (AERole) to a Business Role (ORG) which is not possible in the manager. 

Also tried to assign to a system role, failed. 

Any advice?


  • You cannot assign business roles (Org) to an application role (AERole): But you can create a dynamic role for the application role that assigns any person assigned to the business role to the application role.

  • Thanks, I wanted to avoid this solution because the customer team user is restricted in the manager to only use the "BusinessRoles". In this case we need to extend the manager with "One Identity manager Administration". 

    Will it be possible in the future releases to assign an AERole to an Org BusinessRole?  

  • I do not understand the use case then. You created the permission group and assigned it to an application role. For that, you didn't use the customer team user, correct? But your customer team user should be able to assign, the application role to any business role on request. Correct?

  • I used my SystemUser account to create the permission group and assign the permission group to an AERole. 

    The Customer team shouldn't be able to create a dynamic role for the application role.

    Preferably the customer team user (EmployeeRoleBased) is able to create a businessrole and directly assign an AERole  to a businessrole through the "Tasks" view in the manager. Just like direct assignment of an Active Directory Group/System Roles/ Resources/ Devices/ Subscribable reports etc to a businessRole through the "Tasks" view. 

    My first assumption is correct, this is not possible in the current version. 

  • Your assumption is correct. You cannot assign an application role to a business role.

    But what you can do is the following.

    1. Create a dynamic group for the AERole that is based on some extended attribute assigned to the Business Role (ObjectHasExtendedAttribute). The extended attribute needs to be created first of course (Table ExtendedAttribute).

    2. The customer team user then uses the task "Assign extended attribute" to assign the attribute to the business role. The dynamic role will then put all members of the business role into the application role.

  • Your assumption is correct. You cannot assign an application role to a business role.

    But what you can do is the following.

    1. Create a dynamic group for the AERole that is based on some extended attribute assigned to the Business Role (ObjectHasExtendedAttribute). The extended attribute needs to be created first of course (Table ExtendedAttribute).

    2. The customer team user then uses the task "Assign extended attribute" to assign the attribute to the business role. The dynamic role will then put all members of the business role into the application role.
