How to filter the values of a custom field based on the value inserted in a drop down list?


In One Identity Manager 8.2.1 I would like to filter the items of a custom field based on which value I selected before in a dropdown list.

In the web portal, in the "Add new employee" section of the managers I have these two fields:

The first one is a drop down list, like this:

The second one has many options like this:

How can I filter the values of the second field based on what the user selected in the first field?

  • Hi Francesco,

    In the condition field in the second field use the name of the column (from ShoppingCartItem) that holds the value of the first field ...... let's say you have a custom column on ShoppingCartItem (and PersonWantsOrg) called CCC_UID_ADSAccount ......... and that holds the value selected in your first field ...... in your second field the condition is a filter and part of it would be something like:  <something> = '%CCC_UID_ADSAccount%'

    HTH, Barry.

  • Hi Barry,
    Thank you for your reply. However, I think the answer you gave me referred to requests on IT Shop that have not yet been submitted. Instead, I was trying to filter some fields on the page where new users are registered, not on IT Shop.